My throat hurts when I vape, is this normal?

In terms of why your throat hurts when you vape, there are quite a few things that can play a part in it. It's usually simple things that you had no idea were the culprit and learning these factors might surprise you. Some of them are listed below.

  • Chain Vaping: This is when you vape almost continuously. Not giving your throat a break can really increase the chance of having throat pain.
  • Dehydration: E-liquids contain PG and VG. These are both ingredients that tend to take moisture, so you might not realize exactly how much moisture you're losing.
  • Throat Hit: Using e-liquids that have a high PG content will give you a good throat hit but this can lead to a painful throat, especially if the content is very high.
  • Style of Vaping: If you are taking long and slow draws, this can also irritate your throat.

Now that we know some of the things that can cause your throat to hurt when vaping, we're going to look at some things you can do to help combat this.

  • In terms of vaping frequency, make sure you are taking breaks so you can give your throat a rest.
  • For dehydration, make sure you are drinking plenty of liquids before, during, and after you vape.
  • When looking at throat hit, either vape slower or switch to an e-liquid that doesn't contain as much PG.
  • In terms of style, try taking short and fast drags. You should try and make each drag only last about 2-3 seconds.

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