How to change my order schedule

We've given you full control over your order schedules. You can change your shipping date, repeat interval, shipping information or products at any time. You also have the option to pause or delete your order schedule.

To make changes to an order schedule, login to your account dashboard and navigate to the Schedules tab.

  • To edit an order schedule, simply click on the name of the order schedule that you wish to edit.
  • To pause an order schedule, click the Pause (❚❚) button on the order schedule in the list that you want to pause. A paused order schedule can still be viewed and edited, but will not trigger any orders until you resume it.
  • To permanently delete an order schedule, click the Delete (X) button on the order schedule in the list that you want to delete. Note that once an order schedule is deleted, it cannot be recovered.

Please note: An order schedule cannot be edited or deleted while it is being processed. Processing begins the day before the shipping date.

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